• Dr. med. dent. Christian Schmid Dentist in Edelsfeld

Dr. Schmid – Why did you become a dentist?

I used to be one of the classic anxiety patients as a child. I met the most sensitive and careful dentist during my teen years in Weiden. It has been my dream early on to medically help people. I gained more insight into the highly technical requirements of this career during my assignment as a medic during my civic duty, giving me the final push for my career choice.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Dealing with patients, from very young to the “Golden Years” 80 and older, each day is a nice challenge. I especially like working with my younger staff and dentists, the interactions with my colleagues and the team work in the search of best therapy and treatment for patients are most enjoyable.

How do you like to spend your spare time?

I have been politically active for the Kreistag (District Council) for the past 12 years, I also like to sing for the Amberger Martinsgaensen choir. Another one of my favorite past time is sailing in the Mediterranean Sea which I have been enjoying the past 25 years; this is where I can really relax.