• Dental Emergency Services in the district of Amberg / Sulzbach

Regional Emergency Dental Services on weekends and holidays

Dentist emergency service in the district of Amberg - Sulzbach: The dental emergency service is available outside of the office hours on weekends (or on holidays). The dental emergency service can be reached by phone from Saturday 0:00 a.m. to Sunday midnight.

On Saturdays and Sundays (or holidays), the emergency service dentist will be on duty from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 19:00.

During the rest of the time, you can reach the dentist in charge at his specified telephone number.

Emergency Dental Services / On-call Dentist:

You can call the current emergency service dentist as followed:

Please follow link to contact Emergency Dental Services or the On-call Dentist:

Emergency Dental Services portal

For afterhours dental emergency services during the week please contact following (24hr service):

Emergency medical service / emergency doctor / Ambulance

If you need a general practitioner, they can be reached at 116 116 117.

For live threatening emergencies please contact your local EMS Services, phone number 112